Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

We had a really fun Halloween this year. Our next door neighbors threw a great dinner, followed by trick-or-treating with a crew of 12 kids. The neighborhood wasn't quite sure where all of the kids came from... Madison refused to wear her bumblebee costume - silly me for thinking I could pick something out without her input - so we settled on a Halloween-themed shirt instead. Trick-or-treating was a big hit this year! Madison understood the concept and loved collecting candy in her pumpkin. The only drawback was the one house where someone was dressed in costume and jumped up to startle the kids....not such a big hit with the little ones. I think she'll forget by next year; but she sure was frightened that night!

Finally - longer hair!

This is a ridiculous thing to write about but I'm thrilled that Madison's hair is finally getting long enough for a ponytail - or even little pigtails. It's usually her daycare teachers that can talk her into holding still long enough for a hairstyle!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Our first trip to the Cameron Park Zoo

We had the rare combination of events this past week - mommy off, daddy off, Madison healthy and less than 90-100 degree heat.....the perfect day for a trip to the zoo! Everyone was extremely impressed with the quality of the zoo. Even better, it was a slow morning - we had most of the exhibits to ourselves and some great chances to observe the animals. We'll definitely be making more trips.

Na-na's house

Madison and mommy had a wonderful trip out to Oregon in late August/early September. The weather was absolutely perfect - a nice break from the relentless summer heat of Central Texas. We kept ourselves very busy - picking blackberries, going to playgrounds, playing in Peavy Arboretum, swimming at the water park, and visiting with Uncle Brian and Aunt Molly. These two pictures are from our time at the house. Madison and na-na are putting out food for the deer and playing with Tiddly the kitty cat. We can't wait to visit again this winter to meet Madison's new little boy cousin!

Happy 2nd Birthday Madison!!

It's hard to believe that two years have gone by - it seems like yesterday she was just turning one! Do you like the wake-up picture? Just recently Madison is starting to become less and less of a morning person. We had a great Sesame Street birthday party. Unfortunately the camera broke about half-way through the afternoon, so there are only a few birthday pictures to share. Uncle Kevin, paw-paw and ne-ne all came for the party, in addition to several friends. Happy Birthday peanut!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Anyone for golf?

Daddy couldn't have been happier to have a willing participant in his "golf lesson" this evening. I think his comment was something along the lines of, "Take pictures of this for when she's famous!". Another Tiger in the makings? Mommy's just thinking of the 4+ hours of ALONE time that may come if Madison starts golfing with daddy. Keep up those lessons! :) he he

The infamous WATER PARK!

I'm sure you have all heard us talk about the water park. We have been fortunate enough to have a water park built within a mile and a half of our house. Close enough to be convenient - far away enough to spare us the sound of screaming kids all day long! Madison loves the water and has a blast every time we go to the park. Here are some pics from our latest visit - had to take them soon as summer is (thankfully) coming to an end . At least by the will likely be warm enough to swim up until October!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The patience of a daddy

One of Madison's favorite new activities involves "decorating" her daddy with Sesame Street stickers. Just wait daddy, pretty soon that's going to be hair clips, make-up, dress-up and nail polish!

Fourth of July picnic

Our good friends, the Lewis family, had people over for a picnic to celebrate the 4th of July. Madison and Isabella are starting to become such cute little playmates. They push strollers around together (wish I had taken a picture of that) and play outside on the slide and swingset.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Birthday, Father's Day and Swim Lessons

Okay...first you've got to know that the birthday picture was taken at about 9pm... after a day of running, work and swim lessons (so excuse the hairstyle!) But there's no excuse for the placement of those numbers...JEFF!
Madison just finished 2 weeks of swim lessons and had a great time. She can now doggie paddle (with some support), jump into the water, and blow bubbles. Daddy got to be a part of the lessons during the first week. She's become somewhat of a daddy's girl. We woke up the other morning at 3am to hear "I want daddy" over the monitor. Never seen him move so fast at that hour! Anything for his little girl!

Madison and daddy enjoying a Sunday morning together.
I think they're watching golf. Jeff has taught her to say, "Go Tiger". She can identify all of the Sesame Street characters.... and Tiger Woods.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Viva Las Vegas!!!

We finally had a chance to take a family vacation and went to Arizona to visit "paw-paw" (grandpa) and "ni-ni" (Anita). We took Madison to her first zoo which would have been great if it weren't 90+ degrees. As you can see from the picture she looks like she's about to cry or fall asleep. We all felt pretty warm that day and tried to stick around the exhibits with some shade. After a few days in Arizona we drove up to Las Vegas for three nights. It was perfect weather - plenty of time to play in the pool and walk the strip. Paw paw and Ni-ni saw Terry Fator one night, and Jeff and I saw "Love" which was Cirque du soleil to the Beatles music. It was a great trip - good down time and family time.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Staying busy

Spring is one of the best times (in my opinion) in central Texas. The weather has been warm enough for outdoor activities and cool enough to be comfortable. Peanut has realized that she can color (everywhere...), climb and talk. We've had a lot of fun taking her to the park - she's developed quite a passion for slides. I've tried to get a picture of her going down the big slide all by herself, but she doesn't stay still long enough for a clear picture. She's usually too busy climbing back up the stairs to do it again! Jeff's schedule has been tough this month but he's found time to play as well. Happy spring!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Trip to Oregon

Madison and I went to Oregon in the early part of January. We were supposed to visit over Christmas, but the weather in Oregon did NOT cooperate! As it turned out, we had perfect weather - only one half-day of rain. Madison had a blast! She loved seeing the deer, birds and kitties. She also loved being outdoors in the wonderful nature that Oregon has to offer.
As you can see, Madison also got to spend some time with Aunt Molly and Uncle Brian. Don't they look like they've known each other forever??!! She also got a Christmas gift from Uncle Kevin...the entire T-shirt reads, "World's Greatest Uncle".
Lastly, Madison also got her first haircut (seen in one of the pictures). Not quite as traumatic as a doctor's visit...but just about!