Tuesday, June 24, 2008

He's one lucky puppy!

I found this little guy one morning on the way to work. He was hunched over on the side of the freeway. Left leg: broken femur, tibia and fibula (all three long bones of the leg). Right leg: broken metatarsals (foot bones). Oh, and a broken pelvis. Temperatures exceeded 95 degrees that day - his chances of survival would have been slim. Radiographs showed small rocks in his intestinal tract - he was eating gravel. The patch on his side is a fentanyl patch - strong pain medication. This trooper had surgery to fix the fractures in his left leg. He's staying with us during the post-op rest period. Madison loves him, but we're a kitty house - we're working on finding him a loving home.

1 comment:

Lewis Family said...

Such a cute little puppy...kind of looks like Yoda with those ears! Anyway so glad you started a blog. It looks great! I'm adding it to my link list so I can stalk you! Dixie